Home » Free CMA 86305

Free CMA 86305

If you want a free CMA in 86305, I can help. I’m Susan Roos, REALTOR®, and I work with buyers and sellers throughout your area. I work with buyers and sellers throughout the Prescott Metro Area, and I know the difference between a home that sells and a home that sits on the MLS for so long, that no one will touch it.

First, I’ll pull your property report off the MLS, which provides proprietary information not available on the internet. I’ll also have access to recent sales data of similar homes in your area. Then we’ll review detailed property inspection reports and appraisal information that determines your home’s asset value. This makes the comparison between homes a lot more specific, accurate, and professional.

We’ll discuss your property’s current condition, interior, and exterior, to account for damages and improvements that affect resale value. Then, we’ll focus on the ones that will stop a qualified buyer from getting a loan and estimate the cost of those repairs. If repairs costs are within the sales budget, I recommend doing them. If I represent you, I’ll market your home effectively, negotiate with buyers and their agents, and then handle the paperwork and supervise the closing.

A free CMA in 86305 is a great place to start. Getting one done professionally by a licensed REALTOR® who’s active in your area is worth its weight in fruitless internet searches and early MLS listings. The time we spend getting accurate data will determine the quality of your plan. The call is free, and there’s no obligation. The information will be yours to keep. Thanks, I look forward to hearing from you. I’m Susan Roos, REALTOR®.

Helpful tips: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/realestate/12/real-estate-valuation.asp

  • Get a free CMA in 86305 by a licensed REALTOR® in your